Wednesday, 26 February 2014

She reads books or The Library of Universal Congress

A fever of creating cards today inspired by some microfiche I found in a dumpster! I love the swirling blues of the fiche when held to the light, such simple things but what secret magic they hold.

“She reads books as one would breath air...” Inspired by words, life and the Universe, each card is handmade with vintage and natural found elements.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Not just for Valentines

A little custom engagement card box made for a sweetie to hang over her desk as a reminder of all the joy to come.

Thursday, 20 February 2014


Long hot days bring only the fruit trees to give up their harvest.

I feel the stirrings of creativeness gently whispering in with the cool breeze today and hopefully like this bowl of strawberries we harvested today I shall soon enjoy more creating. This is the first full harvest from the apple trees and strawberries we have had since they were planted three years ago - so a good lesson for all things coming along in good time.

Lovely bowl from Robert Gordon Pottery.